Three Boys and Counting

Just another weblog

August 20, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — threeboysandcounting @ 6:32 pm

I first learned about ebeanstalk at The Diaper Diaries.  It is a web site dedicated to selecting good, safe learning toys and baby gifts. When they contacted me to test a toy for them, I was of course excited. I love that their selection of toys encourage imagination, creativity, and are focused on age-appropriate development!  The toy they sent is called Grip-O-Sphere from International Playthings


Here is the low-down.  It is for ages 6m and up so Harper was the one to “test” it out.  He has truly enjoyed this toy.  It has multiple textures, always a plus for babies, and has different places to grab onto, clicks, and spins.  I love that it folds down flat so I can throw it in the diaper bag pretty easily.  My only suggestion to the company that made the toy is that it seems a bit on the heavy side, but really not a big deal. Overall, definitely developmentally appropriate for my 6 (now 7 , gasp!) month old. In addition, my 4 year old was quite excited for the toy because he declared it looks like Saturn, his favorite planet!

In the interest of full disclosure, ebeanstalk provided me with this toy, but did not provide me any monetary compensation for my review.